
Planned Acts of Kindness

“Do something outside yourself… something that makes life a little better for people less fortunate than you.” â€” RBG 2012

In tribute to RBG: Planned Acts of Kindness

Everyday I make it a point to let someone pass in front of me in traffic (especially at the on ramp between 405 and 101). It makes me feel good that I made someone’s day a little easier. It is a planned act of kindness.

Some people get upset at the line-cutter. But you never know what the line-cutter is going through. Rather than getting upset, reframe it so it becomes your act of kindness. The other driver might be late for work or an appointment, forgot to change lanes until it was too late, maybe they always cut in with bad intentions. But that is on them.

Just feel good and hope the other person feels good from your actions.

Kindness will start to ripple.

The both of you might then, later make someone else feel good too.

By getting angry with other people’s thoughtless actions, the only person you end up hurting is yourself. It will make you unhealthy. Stress hormones hastens aging, increases blood pressure, inflammation, etc.

The person who behave with bad intent, will get their negative energy reflected back on them sooner or later. Karma. But sometimes people are really sincere and or need your kindness. I have been in a line cutting urgent situation and really appreciated someone letting me in. Someone who didn’t give me a dirty look but a kind smile and wave. I always wave in appreciation.

“Are they taking advantage of me?” Remind yourself, “It doesn’t matter.” The goal is to bring them some joy.

If we all planned at least one kind thing to do each day, I believe this shift in universal consciousness will heal us and all else that needs to be healed.

Here are some examples of things you can do to show kindness that ultimately comes back to make you feel joy.

  • Greet everyone you meet today with a big smile that goes from your heart to your eyes to their eyes, even if you don’t feel like it
  • “How are you? ” Pause to wait for the answer
  • When you approach a clerical or cashier type person who does not greet you or looks like they are having a bad day, says to them, “Your job is tough” or “How do you do it?” or ‘You look like you have had a long day”. Hope you are off soon and get some rest with your feet up, etc.
  • Listen
  • Open the door for someone
  • Give a helping to hand to someone who looks like they are struggling with heavy groceries (Grateful for those of you who have helped me in Costco parking lot!)
  • Use words like: Please, Thank you, You’re Welcome, My Pleasure, I appreciate you.
  • Give words of support, encouragement
  • Give a compliment
  • Cheer people on
  • Give someone a hug. (ask permission plus mind the Covid )
  • If someone is struggling to pay for something in a store, help them out
  • Pay it forward by paying for the car behind you at a drive thru
  • Offer to pick up groceries for a neighbor or walk their dog
  • Pet sit for someone
  • Leave a big tip for waiter, hairdresser, cleaning people, gardener, etc
  • Give your seat to a new mom with a baby in her arms or anyone else who would appreciate a seat
  • Give up your lower ticket number in the “returns line” to someone who is in hurry or looks stressed (esp at the IKEA returns. Have your ear pods ready and listen to a podcast or book or music. Relax while you wait.)
  • While waiting in line, start up a cheerful conversation with the person beside you
  • Give something to a panhandler. Ask them to tell you their story.
  • Volunteer locally – missions, churches, temples, mosques coach a team, pick up garbage from a public space, pull weeds from the park, plant some flowers
  • Leave some flowers or bottles of water for people walking by your yard
  • Donate to a cause you believe in
  • Donate to local food bank
  • Bring interesting snacks to share with co-workers
  • If you don’t have money to donate, send an email to a politician about your concerns or make suggestions on how to make the world a better place – like climate change, homelessness, lack of affordable health care, etc
  • Mentor a child or student
  • Teach someone to read
  • Become a Big Brother or Sister
  • Bring lunch for a co-worker
  • Cook a meal for a neighbor
  • Drive someone to their doctor’s appointment
  • Donate blood
  • Buy some Girl Scout cookies even if you don’t eat them
  • Discover your own ways to be kind by being mindful of ” How can I be of help or be of service? “
  • VOTE. I have never missed an election. It matters.

Write in the comments if you have acts of kindness ideas to share

Be aware of what you do, say and think. Be conscious of how it affects others and the universe. Act from your heart. With every interaction you have, make your best effort to leave the other person feeling better than they did before they met with you. You will feel better too.

Planning acts of kindness is really a type of healing therapy.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg 1933-2020

In memory of RBG, whose brilliant life gave women the right to live our lives true to ourselves and to control our own destiny. So grateful for you. Sending you love. RIP.